Swim Practice Details

Children 11 and up should be on deck ready to practice each morning (M-F) at 8:30am

Children 10 and under should be on deck ready to practice each morning (M-F) at 10:00am

The Dolphins have adapted the use of Swimtopia.  We encourage parents to download the app to receive information, meet results and Schedules.


New Parent Liaison

Navigating the Swim world can be overwhelming at times, therefore we want to provide our families with as many answers and support as we can.  The beauty of this team is the community it is built upon.  Where veteran parents and swimmers assist the new members (we’ve all been there).

Understanding meets, requirements of parents/swimmer, how to read a Heat sheet, what is a heat sheet, how do I write on my kids arm, what is an IM, there are many questions that present themselves.

We are grateful to have fellow swim mom, Betsy Briner, as our New Parent Liaison.  Betsy has 3 kids on the team and has been part of the Dolphins team for six years.  She knows how overwhelming a new sport can be and is excited to support and answer questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Betsy Briner is available by email or text message (please text vs call)  betsyhbriner@gmail.com

(513) 315-1367

Please know you can always email to dolphins@clintonhills.com for any concerns or questions.

Swim Meet Details

Note: Swim meets occur on Thursday evenings during the season

Per the regulations of the Private Pool Swim League (PPSL)
Home Team warm-ups begin at 5:30pm
Away Team warm-ups begin at 6:00pm
Timers Meeting starts at 6:15pm (listen for announcement)

Meets start promptly at 6:30pm and run thru the end of the events

Volunteer Positions

Announcer is exactly what it sounds like…you announce.  Responsibilities include announcing upcoming events, current events, and other general announcement during the meet.  A nice “Radio Voice” is NOT required. ????

The Clerk of Course and Assistant Clerk of Course, provided by the visiting team, plays an important part in ensuring a well run meet. They are responsible for assembling the swimmers in accordance with the order of events; holding the swimmers ready on the deck, instructing the swimmers to wait behind or adjacent to the starting position until the Starter takes control of the race, and reporting to the Referee and Scorer the number of swimmers checked in but failing to report for each event. While the Clerk of Course can not speed up a meet, failure to provide a smooth, timely flow of swimmers can surely slow it down.

The Runner is responsible for collecting the timing sheets and providing them to the volunteer running the HyTek swim software for official entry of data.

The Starter is responsible for sending swimmers off the block and making sure each swimmer leaves on time. If a swimmer jumps early, the starter may penalize him or her for a false start. The starter controls the swimmers from the time the referee turns them over to when the race begins.

For those of you who have not been a lane timer before, here’s an explanation of what you’ll do. It’s fairly simple and you get a close up (and somewhat wet) view of all the action! We will go over these timing procedures at the pool before the meets start also, for anyone that needs to learn or to be refreshed on what to do.

  • There are two timers per lane at a meet.
  • The lane timers are used as a back up to the computerized touch pad timing system. The touch pad is the board in the pool at the end of each lane.
  • Timers use a stopwatch in one hand for the beginning and end of each race, as well as a manual plunger button in the other hand when the swimmer in your lane touches the wall at the end of the race. The manual plunger is connected to the touch pad and computer system as a back up to the touch pad.
  • At the beginning of each race, make sure you have the stopwatch in one hand and that it’s reset to 00:00 and the manual plunger in the other hand.
  • When the swimmers are ready on the starting blocks at the beginning of each race, the Starter uses a PA system to say “Swimmers take your mark.” Then after a brief pause, the Starter will sound the horn which signals the swimmers to start.
  • At the same time the starting horn is sounded, a light flashes once from the Starter’s PA system; this is what the Lane Timers watch for to press the start button on their stopwatch to begin timing. When you see the light, press the start button on the stopwatch. (The manual plunger button is used only at the end of each race.)
  • As the swimmer in your lane approaches the wall at the finish of the race, the Lane Timers step up to the edge of the pool and lean over the water so that they can clearly see when the swimmer touches the wall.
  • As the swimmer touches the wall at the end of the race, the Lane Timer presses the button on the stopwatch AND the button on the manual plunger simultaneously.
  • There is a timing sheet for each lane; one lane timer will write down the times recorded on both stopwatches.
  • After the time is recorded, you press the reset button on the stopwatch to prepare for the next race.

This position includes 1 of 2 jobs you can work.  You can volunteer to work the grill or sell goods.  This is broken into 2 segments.

This position requires training (email team if interested in receiving training).

Officials (2) are in charge of:

  • checking legality of strokes
  • checking legality of turns
  • checking legality of the relay exchanges (at starting blocks or non-starting end of the pool)

COMPUTER TABLE – (experience/training required)

● 1 person for all home meets ● Has knowledge on running the Swimtopia system ● Helps set up and run computer equipment for home meets ● Helps train others on Swimtopia system


● 4 people (2 each half) needed for home meets ● Enters times in the Swimtopia system as they come in ● No experience required, on the job instruction given

Places Stickers on the backs of ribbons and files them.  (can be done during meet or next day at practice).

Intro to Swimmer Arm!

Swimmer’s Arm Write Up quick tutorial for new swim parents…

Writing in Sharpie the swimmer’s events on their arm for reference

Event – The Event Number
Heat – Which group of swimmer for the event
Lane – Which lane the swimmer is in
Stroke – Type of stroke for the swim
Distance – Length of the swim

Private Pool Swim League Documents

As your child participates in the Private Pool Swim League (PPSL), it is important to get familiar with the documents below.  If you have any questions, you can reach out to dolphins@clintonhills.com for explanation.

PPSL Pool Rule  

PPSL Order of Events are page 15 of Rules above

Frequently Asked Questions by Swim Parents

The coaches and swim team representative use a mixture of an email distribution list, the club Facebook page, and the Swimtopia App in order to get information to the swim team parents in regards to practices, meets, volunteering opportunities, and social events.

The SwimTopia mobile app is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

When you have a younger or inexperienced swimmer, it is worthwhile to touch base with the Clerk of Course volunteers in order to understand where your child needs to be and when.  Swimmers under the age of 10 should never report to the blocks by themselves, they should always go to Clerk of Course so the parent volunteers can assure they make their event and heat.

The rule of thumb is, if you have not received either an email or Remind notification from the coaching staff, things are on as normal.  Practices and meet can both continue in the rain; however, if thunder begins, we will pull the swimmers for the mandatory 30 minutes until the lifeguards give the all clear signal.  If it begins to thunder and lightning, the coach will make the call to cancel the practice or meet.

  • Swimsuit
  • Goggles (maybe 2, incase one breaks)
  • Tennis Shoes & Socks (be prepared for Dryland)
  • Towel (at meets you may want 2)
  • Water Bottle
  • Positive Attitude to share with Coaches and team mates!

They can wear a competition suit or any of their personal swim suits that they are comfortable in.  There is no dress code for practices.  However, we are a team and we ask that everyone wear their team suit!

We ask that parents of swimmers volunteer at meets at least 2x and assist in swim team events.  The team and meets can not run smoothly without the work of our swim team family.  If you are unable, possibly ask a family member or sitter to work for you.  In addition, there is a fine to Clubs that do not fulfill their Championship volunteers job assigned by the PPSL.

If we are having a home meet, most likely chairs will be available.  However, if we are at an away meet, we recommend bringing a camping chair, water, snacks, activities for kids between their events, etc… Most other clubs will shut down concessions and not provide seating for the away team due to limitations.