2023 Newsletter


March 2023

Welcome back for summer number 63 at CHSC! 

The countdown has begun, less than 3 months until the gate at 53 Clinton Springs Ave is unlocked. The board has been hard at work planning for another great season. We expect another year of operating at full capacity (actually increased capacity) and our waitlist remains over 100.

As many of you are aware, the cost to operate pools (any pool, not just CHSC) has skyrocketed with costs increasing by 20% for 2023 and previously 30% for 2022. This was discussed at length at the annual meeting in September.

We have been able to mostly combat this by increasing 2023 dues & initiation fees AND a small reduction of hours of operation. The reduction of hours helped limit the impact by 5% (net 15% increase for 2023). The specifics around hours of operation have been painstakingly evaluated for the past 6 months via pool utilization analysis, comparison of other clubs operating hours, annual meeting feedback, the Hours Survey from November, board debate, and discussions with SwimSafe (CHSC pool operator).

There was no perfect answer, but in order to reduce operating cost by 5%, the changes for 2023 can be summarized as:

  • Pool will open at 11:00 a.m. daily to membership

  • Last day of the season is Labor Day

  • Snack bar opens at 11:30 a.m.

The entire CHSC board and I remain committed to the longevity of our club, and we believe this step was necessary to ensure CHSC is here for decades to come. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

We welcome feedback and will continue optimizing hours and costs moving forward. Additionally, there will be several Board seats open at the end of this season, please contact me to learn more.

Eric Thompson
President CHSC

Membership dues & deadlines


  • The membership approved an increase in dues, effective this season
  • All member renewals are ready to be paid- simply log into your account
  • All past due balances must be paid at the time of membership renewal payment.
  • Be sure to update your member account such as adding pictures for everyone in your family which makes check-in more efficient.


  • April 1: Membership renewal payments due
  • April 2 – May 1: $50 late fee incurred
  • After May 1: Membership forfeited, members placed at the end of the waitlist
Questions: contact Sadie Bonifas, CHSC Administrator, admin@clintonhills.com


CHSC is introducing new & exciting opportunities to advertise your business all summer long. You can have your logo, contact info, QR code, and/or special offers printed on a high-quality vinyl sign to be seen by all club members and guests. Details to be shared later this month. Early interested parties can contact sponsor@clintonhills.com

Swim Team

Hello Dolphin Swim Parents!  As the summer season approaches, the Southern Ohio Swim League (SOSL) board is piecing together the details for another fun and exciting year. As soon as the schedule is produced, we’ll post it to our website! Expect 5-6 meets with Championships again this year!

We welcome back Scott Fortier for his fourth year as Head Coach for the Dolphins. As we work with Scott to narrow down candidates for the assistant coaching positions, we’ll keep you posted through the Swim Team’s site: https://clintonhills.com/activities/swim-team/

As the CHSC Swim Team representative, I’m always open to feedback and suggestions of what worked and what could be improved based on past years. If you or your swimmer have any feedback, please email dolphins@clintonhills.com.

We’ll soon set the date for our Suit Up Event and the Meet the Coaches event. New swim parents, these events will give your families tips for swim meet survival. You do NOT want to miss the Suit Up Event as we will have experts on site to ensure your swimmers get fit properly for the season. During these events, we will also be having volunteer sign-ups for the meets… parent volunteers are a crucial part of maintaining a successful program.

Finally, we are always looking for new sponsors for the Team.  Contact Chris Norris at dolphins@clintonhills.com for more information on how to promote your business and support our Dolphins if you would like to become a Dolphin Sponsor!


Welcome back to CHSC Tennis! Liz Brown and April Cooper will continue to run the summer programs. We will have a similar schedule to last season, but be on the look out for updates on the website shortly. We can’t wait to see you on the courts!

Please reach out to Liz Brown, Tennis board liaison at tennis@clintonhills.com with any questions. All tennis details can be found on our website at: clintonhills.com/activities/tennis.

Kids Swim Lessons

Swim lessons are offered free of charge to all member children between the ages of 9 months and 12 years. Our intention is to offer classes at all levels this year (1-5).
As we get closer to the pool opening be on the look out for more updates.
For details and registration:


Welcome Back to Summer Opening Party is on May 26 at 6:30!! Be on the lookout for more details about this event, mid-session events, and an end of season party. The website will be up to date, https://clintonhills.com/social/ and keep an eye on the CHSC calendar https://clintonhills.com/calendar/

Waiting List 

If you are currently on the wait list, follow the link below for the policy and timeline. If you are a current member and know a friend or two who would enjoy our little slice of paradise in the city, please share the link below so they can join the wait list.


SwimSafe is hiring

Our pool management company, SwimSafe, is hiring life guards, front desk staff, and concession staff for Summer 2023. SwimSafe is offering FREE lifeguard training and uniforms! Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Apply online at swimsafepool.com.

Adult Nights

Adult nights will be back this year on Thursdays. If you’re interested in being included in emails regarding adult nights, sharing ideas for activities and themes and/or planning, please complete this form.

CHSC 2023 Board of Trustees

Contact information for all board members can be found at clintonhills.com/about-us/contact-us.

President: Eric Thompson
Treasurer: Justin Stone
Vice President: Lauren Amos
Secretary: Marie Knecht-Germain
Communications: committee
Social: committee
Tennis: Liz Brown
Trustees: Imo Alloway, Tom Beridon
Swim Team and Tech: Chris Norris, Laura Herman
Facilities: Dan Knecht, Ross Ormsby
Sponsorships: Tony Robertson
Club Admin: Sadie Bonifas

Copyright © CLINTON HILLS SWIM CLUB, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Clinton Hills Swim Club   PO Box 17179   Cincinnati, OH 4217

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